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2019 Federal Election All-Candidates Debate
Make an informed decision for the upcoming federal election. Candidates running in the South Surrey & White Rock riding will be sharing their platforms and plans to increase economic development at the 2019 All Candidates Debate on Friday, October 4th.For a list of candidates and links to their websites, useful Elections Canada information, and info about other forums being hosted in the community, visit: https://www.sswrchamberofcommerce.ca/2019-federal-electionIf you have a question you'd like to ask the candidates, please email it to info@sswrchamber.ca. Written questions can also be submitted at the debate, but live questions will not be taken from the floor.Thank you to our generous Sponsors: CARP White Rock/Surrey Chapter 11 & the Fraser Valley Real Estate BoardCohosted by the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce and the White Rock BIADate and Time
Friday Oct 4, 2019
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PDTOctober 4th, 2019
Door Open: 6:00PM
Debate: 6:30PM
White Rock Community Centre
15154 Russell Ave, White RockFees/Admission
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