R&R Wellness and Spa
Health & WellnessMassageSalons, Spas, & Cosmetics
Monday - Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm
Driving Directions:
Located across from Semiahmoo Mall, corner of 17th and 152. Parking in rear.
About Us
Relaxation beyond expectations; Indulge in the luxury of therapeutic touch'' Visit with one of our certified therapists to indulge in Registered Massage Therapy, Medical Aesthetics, Cosmetic Injections and more. Please visit our website for more information.
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Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioDionne BrownDionne has been a graduate of West Coast College of Massage Therapy since 2008. Her practice is base around client care to specialize specific treatments for each individual needs. Providing results that will enhance clients expectations by decreasing pain, inflammation, anxiety and stress. To improve flexibility, range of motion, joint mobility and relaxation. An overall benefit to your Health and Wellness.Tell a Friend