• Government Representatives

  • The Chamber advocates for its members and the business community with all levels of government. If you have any questions for your local elected officials, we encourage you to get in touch with their offices. Please see below for links to their webpages and contact information.

    The Chamber makes every effort to ensure details are updated in a timely manner. If you see any information that is inaccurate, please contact the Chamber team at info@sswrchamber.ca so that we can make the necessary changes.


  • Federal and First Nation Representatives


  • Provincial Representatives


  • Local Members of the Legislative Assembly

    Below is the list of MLAs representing provincial ridings that are encompassed by South Surrey & White Rock and surrounding areas.

    MLAs are listed in alphabetical order by last name.


  • Executive Council

    Provided here are contact details for the Premier and Ministers of the Executive Council overseeing matters related to businesses, especially during the course of the pandemic. As many other Ministers and their portfolios impact businesses, you can see a full list of the Executive Council by clicking here.


  • 2022-Cabinet.jpg
  • New cabinet, sworn in December 7, 2022, ready to take action on cost of living, health care, housing, climate.
    Source: Government of BC's Flickr page.


  • Municipal Representatives